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Explore a wide selection of vehicles ready for export. We provide seamless solutions to deliver your dream car anywhere in the world.

“I connected with Gamal from the marketing team on a call to buy a car. He provided me with detailed information and then transferred me to the sales team. His way of talking was very good in Arabic. Thank you, Gamal, and thank you, Al Karama Motors.”
Qadir azeem
Deal went very smoothly. They helped me find the best purchase for my budget. Definitely recommended.
Saeed Ijaz
It's one of the best car showrooms in Dubai for Export, Excellent customer service. I was very satisfied and a good experience, thank you.
farid mansour
A great place to buy cars! They take their hospitality and customer service efforts in a very professional manner.
mumblemumble nimble
Best showroom for export cars, professional sales team & hospitality, also good back office support. 😍
Abdul Salam
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